VitalSign Support

Support and specification information.

VitalSignTM can be specified in a few easy steps:

1. Choose Customization Options
2. Pick Treatment Options
3. Additional Resources

1. Customization Made Easy

Adapt each section of a VitalSign signage component to meet your needs.

Choose a standard template or integrate your brand in a custom design.


Top Insert

Choose room ID ADA standard insert with digital print, window insert for nurse/patient name, or dry erase board.

Alert Insert

Choose standard color-coded medical alert messages or customized sliders in any color, symbol or configuration. Sign size is determined by the number of messages, and alert modules can be added in two-message increments.

Magnetic Tool

Slide the magnetic tool to reveal the patient care icons.

Large Insert

Add a window insert for changeable printed messages or dry erase board for written notes.

Footer Insert

Add a dry erase board, magnetic window insert, or standard insert with digital printing to display brand, emoticons or infectious disease control messages..

Accessory Bar

Attach a SmartStripTM to post paper or laminated messages, or a convenient marker holder.

2. Popular Treatments

Eight unique configurations let you tailor solutions to every need.

3. Additional Resources